Affordable funeral or cremation in Biloxi, MS

Why direct cremation?

A funeral need not cost you an arm and a leg! Although a traditional funeral can run into thousands of dollars, there are more affordable options. This article explores low-cost cremation alternatives and how to find an affordable funeral services provider.

What is the average cost of a funeral in Biloxi?

cremation prices

The National Funeral Directors Association’s annual nationwide survey evaluated the average cost of a traditional funeral at $7,484, without any cemetery costs.

This means that the average funeral costs can run to around $10,000 with a burial vault and grave plot. This is just an average figure, and a funeral can cost more or less than this, depending upon the funeral service provider and the funeral merchandise you select.

A casket is one of the largest funeral expenses, and the cost of a casket can range from $995 to $9,000.

What is the average cost of a cremation in Biloxi?

Cremation can offer a much cheaper alternative to a full traditional burial.  A cremation eliminates the need for a casket, possibly embalming, and the cemetery charges.  How much a cremation service will cost depends on your selected service. 

A cremation with a service beforehand (similar to a traditional funeral service) will cost between $3,000 and $6,000. Again, much depends upon whether you purchase or rent a casket and how elaborate the service is.

Different Cremation Services in Biloxi, MS

Cheap cremation Biloxi MS

There are other, and generally more affordable, cremation options.  A cremation memorial service is where the cremation is performed, and a service is held afterward, either with or without the cremation remains present.  There are also options, such as a private family farewell cremation. 

This is where the funeral home facilitates the opportunity for close family to visit the deceased before the cremation. The cheapest cremation option is a direct cremation.

Direct cremation in Biloxi

A direct cremation, sometimes referred to as an immediate cremation, simply means that a cremation is carried out immediately and without services. It is the most affordable way that a family can conduct a disposition.

Once the family has the cremated remains returned (usually within a few days), a memorial service or ash scattering ceremony can be held. 

A direct cremation allows the family to take care of the cremation process at a minimal cost. Memorial services can be organized by the family and/or church and held at a location of the family’s choice. Depending on the funeral home selected, a direct cremation can cost between $1,195 and $2,895.

How do I choose a cremation provider in Biloxi?

Choosing a funeral or cremation provider is not always easy. As outlined above, the range of services and prices for funerals and cremations can vary considerably between providers.

It is essential to be aware of this and consider shopping around to compare cremation packages from multiple funeral homes to ensure the cremation services provider you select can meet your family’s needs.

How can you save money by arranging a cremation?

Cremation Costs

A cremation generally saves around 40 – 50% on the cost of a traditional burial. However, you can also save further by considering a direct cremation and coordinating your own memorial services.

Your church and other support networks may assist you with this. You can also make your own memorial products for a service, saving you further expenditure.

Low-cost cremation in Biloxi, MS

If you are interested in a low-cost Biloxi cremation, we suggest contacting the DFS Memorials provider. They cover the Gulf Coast region from Bay St. Louis to Pascagoula / Moss Point.

We can’t afford a funeral.  Is there any help with cremation costs in Biloxi?


Sadly, more families than ever are finding themselves struggling to make ends meet, and unexpected funeral expenses can be a crisis!  If the deceased had made no provision for his/her funeral costs, then the next of kin is responsible.  Limited financial assistance is available. 

There is the $255 Social Security death benefit (if qualifying), and veterans are entitled to some benefits.  Failing that, it is largely down to the family to raise the funds to cover disposition arrangements.

Each state has its own budget to cover indigent burials, but this is now almost entirely allocated to covering the costs for those who become the state’s responsibility. Sometimes, there is some public aid, and you must inquire about your local county Social Services. 

Union, faith, and charity groups also help the bereaved with funeral expenses. This article, ‘What are your options on how to pay for a funeral or cremation?’, provides more information.

Serving families in George, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, and Stone Counties and throughout Long Beach, Mississippi City, Handsboro, Beauvoir, St. Martin, D’Iberville, Ocean Springs, Gulf Hills, Cedar Lake, Wool Market, Popps Ferry Rd, Saint Martin, W Gay Rd N / Whetston, Van Buren Ave, Pass Rd / Fernwood Rd, Irish Hill Dr, Rodenberg Ave / Pass Rd.

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the past fifteen years. End-of-life services and experiences are topics most people avoid thinking about until they must face them. My work provides comprehensive and independent resources for families, explaining the workings of the funeral industry, the laws governing funeral practices, and the death care trends that impact consumers. With a BA in Cultural Studies, I bring a unique perspective to analyzing cultural death care rituals, complemented by a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing significant changes, which I find fascinating. The shift towards cremation services and the emergence of sustainable alternatives like aquamation and human composting are of particular interest. I am also intrigued by how technology is reshaping the funeral planning process and experience. I write for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, and contribute to various forums and publications within the death care industry.

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