Comparing cremation prices: How to find an affordable direct cremation

Low cost Cremation Arrangement in Boston MA

We are price-conscious, price-comparison consumers today.  In a short era, technology has changed many of our consumer habits.  These days, we use many websites and mobile apps to compare prices for major purchases. And this trend has now impacted the funeral industry. 

An industry that has price-gouged consumers due to the mystery and misery surrounding purchasing funeral services. So, how can you compare cremation prices?

Cremation Costs

What options are available to compare cremation prices?

There are several options you can use to compare cremation costs.

#1 You can call a few local funeral homes and ask for prices.

All funeral homes are required by federal law to provide you with funeral prices when you make an inquiry.  They should be able to provide you with a copy of their General Price List. This can be time-consuming and frustrating, as not all funeral homes offer a simple price over the phone.

#2 You can use a funeral comparison concierge service

Everest’s Funeral Planning & Concierge Service will provide a price-comparison report for you, from up to 8 funeral homes with your specified zip code or mileage radius.  However, they charge a $29 fee for this service.

#3 Use an online funeral price-comparison website

Online cremation plans

There are an array of funeral price comparison websites today.  These provide a platform for consumers to find and check prices from funeral homes in a given area.  However, there are a few issues with these websites to consider.  Firstly, not all websites inclusively include ALL funeral homes in an area.  So, you may not see a true reflection of all local cremation prices.

Secondly, some websites monetize their platform by offering promoted listings for funeral homes that will pay.  This means you again may not see a true ‘unbiased’ representation of local cremation providers and prices.

If you are looking to compare cremation costs, the likelihood is that you want to ensure you do not overpay for a service.  We often enter the process seeking guidance without prior knowledge of arranging a funeral.

#4 Connect with the DFS Memorials network of low-cost cremation providers

DFS Memorials vetted and recruited local independent cremation service providers that met the criteria of offering their local community a ‘best price’ direct cremation.  So, the DFS Memorials website has conducted the price comparison (to make it easier for you) and can connect you directly with a local, affordable cremation provider.

All local providers and their direct cremation prices are disclosed online.

How do you find the ‘best value’ cremation service?

Best value cremation

Cheap is sometimes cheap.  Corners are cut to offer budget services or products. “You get what you pay for,” as we will often quip.  However, overpaying for a service can be annoying.

As mentioned above, funeral costs have long been shrouded in some mystery, allowing the industry to confuse families overpricing.

Why pay $2,700 for a simple direct cremation when the exact same service can be conducted for $795?  So this is where the term “best value” or “best price” comes into play. 

It is about comparing the exact same service package.  Cremation service costs can range significantly, and you can save money just by ensuring you have compared what prices are on offer locally.

Why choose direct cremation?

A direct cremation is the industry term for a simple cremation without any ceremony. It is the least expensive funeral option and a simple, no-fuss option.  As the cremation rate continues to grow, it is largely direct cremation that families are choosing.  Why?  Namely cost, but also just out of the notion of simplicity.

A direct cremation can be arranged in most cities for between $800 – $1,000.  To find your local direct cremation price, visit your state and city on DFS Memorials.

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the last fifteen years. End of life services and experiences are something most of us choose not to reflect upon until we are suddenly faced with dealing with it. I have been contributing comprehensive and independent resources for families that explain how the funeral industry operates, and the laws that govern funeral practices. Sara writes for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, as well as contributing to other forums and publications for the death care industry. I have a BA in Cultural Studies. This helps my analysis of cultural death care rituals, alongside a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing an epoch of change and this fascinates me.

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