Low cost cremation or funeral services in Syracuse, NY

Cremation Memorial Service Different Options

These days more families are looking to save money on funeral costs, and the Internet provides a great tool to check out funeral prices and compare service providers.  If you would like to know how to arrange a funeral or cremation at an affordable cost, then this article should assist you.

Low cost cremation Syracuse NY

How much does a funeral cost in Syracuse?

Simple Cremation Service $1,395 Call (315) 203-3737 for assistance.

Although the funeral industry is being dragged into the 21st century screaming and kicking, it is still pretty much resisting open-price disclosure. The FTC funeral rule means that a funeral home MUST have a General Price List (GPL) that clearly outlines its fees and should openly provide one if you make an inquiry (by phone or in person). 

However, the reality is that many funeral homes still do not put prices on their website and may even not be open about revealing full and complete costs when you call.  For this reason, we have put together this guide to give you an idea of what costs to expect.

A traditional funeral is likely to cost between $6,000 and $10,000.  According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of a funeral is $7,484 but this does not take into account any cemetery fees.  It is possible to arrange a traditional funeral package for $4,995 in Syracuse (excluding cemetery fees).

What does a cremation cost in Syracuse?

Cremation cost in Syracuse NY

More families are choosing cremation as a disposition option as it is so much more affordable than a burial.  A cremation will cost you at least half of the cost of a traditional burial if not more.  This is largely because you remove the need for several of the expensive purchases required for a burial – casket, grave liner, and cemetery plot, plus also the cost to embalm.

A simple cremation (without any services) can be conducted in Syracuse for $1,395, although the average cost of a basic cremation is nearer to $2,000.

A cremation with a funeral or memorial service will cost in the region of $3,000 – $5,000.

Save money by arranging a direct cremation

The most affordable cremation option is direct cremation. In this method, the deceased is collected, transferred to the crematory, and cremated in a simple container. The cremated remains are then returned directly to the family without any viewing or service. A memorial service can be arranged at a later date if the family so desires, and the family can even arrange their own memorial service, which can be another way to save on the cost of a funeral.


How do I know that the cremated remains I get back are my loved one’s remains?

This is a question that many families ask.  Be assured that strict legislation governs how human cremations can be conducted and only one person can be cremated at once.

What do I legally need to know about arranging a cremation in Syracuse?

As a cremation is so final there are laws that govern how a cremation can proceed.  New York has exceptionally strict rules, and all 47 crematories are state-regulated.  All crematory operators must be certified, and a Cremation Authorization Form must be signed by the legal next of kin or authorizing agent before a cremation can be conducted.  A cremation container is required but this need not be a casket and can be a simple reinforced cardboard box, and embalming is not required prior to cremation.

What can we do with the cremated remains?

This is another question that is frequently asked.  Cremation opens up more possibilities about how to conduct the final disposition of remains.  You can inter cremated remains in an existing grave plot or a cremation niche, or choose to scatter in a designated memorial garden.  However, this can still cost a significant amount.  You can keep the cremated remains at home in a cremation urn or you can choose to conduct your own ash scattering ceremony. 

If you choose to scatter cremated remains on private land, you need the landowner’s consent. You can scatter cremated remains on public land, but you must observe some ‘common-sense’ ash scattering guidelines. You may need to check whether a permit is required for municipal or state-owned public spaces.

Can I pre-arrange a simple cremation plan?

Find cheapest cremation

Even a basic low-cost cremation can be preplanned and prepaid.  This is all carefully legislated and an insurance product can be used to fund a cremation plan.  However, in New York you cannot sign your own cremation authorization form, this must be signed by an authorizing agent as defined in Section 4201 of the Public Health Law.  You can make pre-arrangements to be cremated but you need to ensure your surviving family complies with the authorizing agent requirements.

Arranging a Veteran Funerals in Syracuse

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Certain benefits are available to Veterans.  A Veteran is entitled to a free cemetery plot and grave marker. In some cases, a funeral home will offer a discount on services to a Veteran.  Call (315) 203-3737 with any questions you have about Veteran Funerals.

What does it cost to cremate an overweight person?

The cremation cost advertised by funeral homes is generally for a body weight of up to 300 pounds. An extra charge may be levied for a body over this weight, but this will depend on the deceased’s size.

The deceased had no life insurance – is there any help with cremation costs in Syracuse?

Saving money on cremation costs

It can be distressing enough to deal with a death, but even more upsetting if there are no funds to cover the cost of a cremation.  Sadly this is happening more often for families today.  If the deceased had no life insurance, it is likely that the funeral home will need full payment for a direct cremation when you sign the funeral contract.

There is a $255 lump sum death benefit payment from Social Security (if the deceased qualified), and the funeral director can help submit your claim for this.  If you have concerns about how you are going to pay for a funeral – visit this guide on ‘What to do if I cannot afford a funeral’.

If you have any further questions about arranging a funeral or cremation in Syracuse, whether you are preplanning, or a death has just occurred – Call (315) 203-3737.  Our funeral director is on hand 24/7 to answer any questions you have.

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the past fifteen years. End-of-life services and experiences are topics most people avoid thinking about until they must face them. My work provides comprehensive and independent resources for families, explaining the workings of the funeral industry, the laws governing funeral practices, and the death care trends that impact consumers. With a BA in Cultural Studies, I bring a unique perspective to analyzing cultural death care rituals, complemented by a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing significant changes, which I find fascinating. The shift towards cremation services and the emergence of sustainable alternatives like aquamation and human composting are of particular interest. I am also intrigued by how technology is reshaping the funeral planning process and experience. I write for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, and contribute to various forums and publications within the death care industry.

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