How to arrange an affordable cremation service in Akron, OH

Cremation Memorial Service Different Options

This short guide aims to help you understand cremation options and costs in Akron.  We understand that many families today are seeking more affordable alternatives when it comes to death care. The internet has provided a great way to research pricing and services for many sectors, yet still, many funeral homes do not disclose their prices online.  Here, we inform you of what average costs are, and how to find the most affordable cremation option in Akron.

Low cost cremation Akron OH

What is the average cost of a funeral in Akron?

Funeral prices can vary considerably between different service providers for the exact same service package. For this reason, it is always advisable to compare prices from more than one funeral service provider. To help you save time, we have compiled a brief overview of cremation pricing in Akron.

The average cost of a traditional funeral service in Akron, compiled from a list of Akron funeral homes indicates that the average price for a full-service funeral is $8,015*.  This does not include any cemetery fees.  The average cost of a simple, direct burial is $2,011*.

Cremation Service Akron OHWhat are cremation costs in Akron?

The average cost of a Cremation Memorial service is $2,926*, with the lowest price available at around $2,000. In a Cremation Memorial service, the deceased is first cremated, and then a service is held with the cremated remains present.

The most affordable cremation option in Akron is direct cremation. In this method, the deceased is collected, prepared, and cremated without the funeral home’s services. The deceased is simply ‘directly’ cremated, and then the cremated remains are returned to the family.

The family, if they wish, can then hold their own memorial service at a place and time that suits them.  This can also save further costs on the overall price of a funeral.

The average cost of a direct cremation in Akron is $1,628*, although it is possible to arrange an affordable direct cremation for as little as $825 in Akron.

Call (330) 366-2646 to arrange a direct cremation service for $825

This is why a low-cost, no-fuss, direct cremation is the most affordable and simple disposition option for families with limited funds, or where no funeral services are required.

If you would like to know more about arranging a low-cost direct cremation in Akron, OH please call us.

*Funeral prices obtained from online funeral price survey May 2024

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the past fifteen years. End-of-life services and experiences are topics most people avoid thinking about until they must face them. My work provides comprehensive and independent resources for families, explaining the workings of the funeral industry, the laws governing funeral practices, and the death care trends that impact consumers. With a BA in Cultural Studies, I bring a unique perspective to analyzing cultural death care rituals, complemented by a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing significant changes, which I find fascinating. The shift towards cremation services and the emergence of sustainable alternatives like aquamation and human composting are of particular interest. I am also intrigued by how technology is reshaping the funeral planning process and experience. I write for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, and contribute to various forums and publications within the death care industry.

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