Direct Cremation Services in Indianapolis – $850

Affordable Cremation Services

The shift to cremation is sweeping across the nation as families demand more affordable death care alternatives. Cremation is now fast becoming a disposition choice for many families in Indianapolis. For those families who do not want to overspend on a funeral or simply do not have the funds for a costly funeral, direct cremation in Indianapolis is a low-cost alternative.

How much does a cremation cost in Indianapolis?

This is the question that most families want to know. As a nation of price-conscious consumers, we expect to check prices and compare deals. The purchase of funeral services is no different. Traditionally, families felt it was inappropriate to make funeral price inquiries, but today, this is changing.

A traditional funeral can cost around $9,000 (NFDA 2021) and does NOT include cemetery costs. Many families today cannot afford an amount like $10,000 to pay for a funeral. A cremation will cost at least half this amount, if not less, depending upon the type of cremation services selected and the crematory.

A basic cremation can cost anywhere between $850 and $4,000. To help families arrange affordable cremation services, we have selected a family-owned cremation services provider in Indianapolis that can offer a basic cremation package for just $850. Affordable cremation memorial and full-service cremation packages are also available.

Call now on (317) 207-6929 now to arrange a low-cost cremation

Cremation services in Indianapolis

There are different types of cremation services, so it is possible to arrange whatever type of funeral service you require – from a simple cremation to a full traditional funeral or unique ‘life celebration’ events. A great thing about cremation is that it opens up so many possibilities for memorialization.

Direct cremation services in Indianapolis

indianapolis-cremation-servicesA direct cremation is probably the fastest-growing type of cremation service. Many of the DFS Memorials providers report that 80% of the cremations they do are direct cremations.

Direct cremation is the industry term for a basic cremation with no services. The deceased is collected and transported to the crematory/funeral home, the legal paperwork is completed, and the cremation is performed.

The cremated remains are returned to the family in a temporary urn. Most funeral homes offering a direct cremation package offer an inclusive price, where only cash advance items such as the death certificate, and cremation permit fee is additional to the direct cremation package cost. Be sure to check this when consulting with a funeral home.

Arranging a direct cremation helps the family take care of the immediate disposition of the deceased in a dignified and economical way. This simple, ‘no fuss’ approach to death care is becoming more popular, with many families arranging their memorial service or ash scattering ceremony once the cremated remains are returned. Why pay thousands of dollars to a funeral director when you can conduct your own personalized service for a fraction of this cost?

Why is cremation so much cheaper than a traditional funeral?

There are a number of significant funeral merchandise items that are not required for cremation. No casket is required for cremation – a suitable cremation container is all that is required by law. No burial vault or cemetery plot is needed; in most cases, the body is not embalmed. This eliminates thousands of dollars in funeral costs.

Many families are now opting for direct cremation (the cheapest cremation) because they can then arrange their own funeral service once they have the cremation ashes back. With the decline in traditionalism and the rise in personalization, more families are opting to arrange something different as a life tribute.

How do I know that I am getting the remains of my loved one back?

This is one of the most frequent questions families ask about cremation. Strict laws govern the cremation of human remains, and identity checks must be made along the way. The cremation retort has to be completely cleared following a cremation, and only one cremation can be performed at a time. The remains are cleared into a machine that filters out any metal parts (tooth fillings, hip replacements) and then ground into the fine ‘dust’ that is returned as cremation ashes.

Not all funeral homes have their own crematory and sub their cremations to a local crematory. If you have concerns about the continuity of care offered throughout the cremation process, you may wish to choose a funeral home with its own crematory so your loved one’s remains never leave their care!

direct-cremationWhat if I am unsure about cremation or the family cannot agree?

Cremation is such a final disposition that you do need to ensure that you are completely sure that this IS the ‘right’ disposition choice for you. Certain laws are in place to ensure this final disposition can only proceed if the legal next of kin has authorized it.

A Cremation Authorization Form must be signed by the legal next of kin, and in the case of children, many funeral directors will prefer to have all children sign.

You can authorize an agent for your final disposition or sign the authorization when you preplan a cremation. For further questions about direct cremation in Indianapolis, call your local provider at (317) 207-6929.

What can you do with the cremated remains?

The options of what you can do with the cremated remains of your loved one are one of the reasons cremation is becoming more popular. You can, of course, just choose to inter the remains in a cemetery plot.

You can inter the remains in a niche or columbarium, or you can keep the ashes at home. Keepsake urns even enable you to disperse the ashes between several family members or choose to scatter some and retain a ‘keepsake’ memorial.

Ash scattering is also more common these days, and there are many options for how you can create a befitting ash scattering ceremony.

Is it possible to preplan a low-cost cremation?

Yes. You can preplan a simple direct cremation service. This is generally funded through an insurance product covering this cost when the need arises. All monies are secured in a trust fund. Call your local DFS provider now at (317) 207-6929 to discuss pre-planning options.

How quickly can a cremation be performed?

For a direct cremation in Indianapolis, it will generally take a few days to make the necessary arrangements, complete all the legal paperwork and schedule the cremation. However, expedited services can be arranged if required. In many states, a mandatory 24-hour wait period must occur after death, but this does not apply in Indiana.

What do I do if I cannot even afford a cremation?

There is very little ‘free’ money to help families with funeral costs.   Indiana has a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which will contribute $400 towards cemetery costs and $600 towards funeral costs. However, you do need to qualify for this support. You would need to contact Marion County Human Services to find out more.

What is the service area around Indianapolis?

The $850 direct cremation package is available throughout all of Greater Indianapolis and surrounding counties.

If you have further questions about cremation, feel free to call us at (317) 207-6929.

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the past fifteen years. End-of-life services and experiences are topics most people avoid thinking about until they must face them. My work provides comprehensive and independent resources for families, explaining the workings of the funeral industry, the laws governing funeral practices, and the death care trends that impact consumers. With a BA in Cultural Studies, I bring a unique perspective to analyzing cultural death care rituals, complemented by a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing significant changes, which I find fascinating. The shift towards cremation services and the emergence of sustainable alternatives like aquamation and human composting are of particular interest. I am also intrigued by how technology is reshaping the funeral planning process and experience. I write for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, and contribute to various forums and publications within the death care industry.

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