DFS Memorials – Network of Affordable Independent Cremation Providers

DFS cremation costs

Who are DFS Memorials?


DFS Memorials was established in 2012 to meet the demand for low-cost cremation services from reputable family-owned funeral homes.

Many families still prefer to deal with a local independent funeral business, as opposed to a corporation but need to know that they can still benefit from affordable pricing policies.

The DFS Memorials network includes 60+ funeral service providers, all family-owned businesses offering low-cost direct cremation services to their local community. 

As direct cremations are conducted without any ceremony or services, many providers cover much larger service areas than they do for traditional funerals.

Use our Local Provider Search to find prices from cremation providers near you.

Price-conscious cremation consumers shop around

In an effort to assist families through the stress of comparing prices between funeral homes, DFS Memorials conducts price surveys to identify the best value cremation price for a designated area.  Local funeral homes who join the network share the vision of offering to consumers’ full price disclose alongside fair pricing and quality service from a local licensed professional.


DFS Memorials helps you to connect with the services of a local provider – all independent funeral businesses – professionals who are not governed by shareholders. 

So the DFS Memorials network offers nationwide assistance to families. With the extensive network of providers

DFS Memorials can also assist families who may be coordinating services from another city, state, or country by using its extensive network of providers throughout the USA and Canada.

With this coverage there is a reassurance that should a loved one pass away from home, the network can easily facilitate a direct cremation anywhere within the USA.  Aside from directly connecting a family with a local cremation provider, DFS offers a toll-free helpline to those families that need further assistance with making affordable funeral arrangements. 

DFS Memorials offers access to nationwide direct cremation services whilst benefiting from dealing with a genuine family-owned funeral business and supporting local economies.

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the last fifteen years. End of life services and experiences are something most of us choose not to reflect upon until we are suddenly faced with dealing with it. I have been contributing comprehensive and independent resources for families that explain how the funeral industry operates, and the laws that govern funeral practices. Sara writes for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, as well as contributing to other forums and publications for the death care industry. I have a BA in Cultural Studies. This helps my analysis of cultural death care rituals, alongside a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing an epoch of change and this fascinates me.

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