Average cremation costs and funeral costs in Southeast Florida

Find affordable cremation

Today’s funeral consumers are much savvier about funeral costs. This is partly because the economic downturn has forced many families to seek out more affordable death care alternatives and because we are more discerning consumers and prepared to shop around and compare prices…even for a funeral.

The Internet has provided a great anonymous tool for families to check out what funeral costs to expect before ever entering a funeral establishment. Indeed, it is possible to arrange a funeral or cremation today without visiting a funeral home! Read on to find out more about funeral and cremation costs in Southeast Florida.

What is the average cost of a funeral in Southeast Florida?

The average cost of a traditional funeral is $7,848 (National Association of Funeral Directors NFDA); however, it is possible to arrange a simple funeral service for in the region of $4,500 (including a casket but not including cemetery fees).

A direct cremation is the least expensive and ‘no-fuss’ cremation option and can be conducted for $795 complete (including one copy of the death certificate).

How can I save on funeral and cremation costs in Southeast Florida?

You can save money on the cost of a funeral by reducing the level of ancillary services. A casket is one of the large purchases associated with arranging a funeral. No law states you must purchase a casket, although many cemeteries require using an outer burial container or burial vault.

You can purchase a casket from a third-party casket seller (sometimes cheaper than purchasing a casket from a funeral home), or you can make your own coffin. There is also no legal requirement in Florida that the deceased be embalmed if the burial takes place within several days. Refrigeration is an adequate preservative and can be much less expensive than embalming.

Another significant way to save on the cost of a funeral is to consider cremation as an alternative. Cremation eliminates the need for a casket, embalming, burial vault, and cemetery plot. This alone can save thousands of dollars.

What is the average cost of a cremation in Southeast Florida?


About 6 in 10 families now choose cremation in Florida as the preferred disposition option.

As a retirement and snowbird destination, cremation has become popular as an easy means to conduct an immediate disposition and ship the remains back to a home state.

Because cremation accounts for over 60% of all funerals, it is possible to arrange a cremation at a low price in SE Florida. Cremation costs start at $795 for a complete direct cremation package.

What is a direct cremation?

A direct cremation is sometimes called an immediate cremation or a basic cremation. It is where cremation is performed, but no services, visitation, or ceremony is held. It is the simplest method of disposition available – and the cheapest cremation option.

Call the DFS Memorials provider for Southeast Florida for the best value direct cremation package. This complete package costs $795 and includes everything required to conduct the disposition, including 1 copy of the death certificate.

Call (305) 901-2403 now  [All staff are fully bilingual in Spanish and English]

DFS Memorials of SE Florida

The DFS Memorials provider for the SE Florida area serves the whole of the Atlantic coast area from the Florida Keys right up to Fort Pierce. The complete direct cremation price of $795 applies to Broward, Martin, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach & St Lucie counties.

Cheapest cremation in Southeast Florida

This cremation package price includes everything to conduct the cremation, including cremation fees, permits, and 1 copy of the death certificate. There is nothing extra to pay.  Ken and his team of bilingual funeral directors answer calls 24 hours a day and aim to provide a compassionate yet affordable service to the families they serve.  Call (305) 901-2403 now.

What is the difference between a direct disposer and a funeral home?


A direct disposer can ONLY perform a direct disposition and cannot offer many services that a fully licensed funeral home can. The direct disposer can conduct no viewing, services, or ceremony.

This means that a direct disposer can often offer competitive direct cremation prices. However, it is not uncommon for a direct disposer to offer budget cremation prices that are NOT inclusive and charge additional fees for such things as a residential collection.

It is wise to always fully check what is included in any direct cremation package, particularly to look for hidden fees!

What help is available for cremation costs in SE Florida?

There is rather limited financial assistance to help families pay for a funeral. The state provides some assistance for indigent dispositions, but this will depend on eligibility. You can contact your local county human services to find out if you qualify for any public aid for funeral costs.

It is possible to arrange a no-cost cremation if you are struggling to pay for a funeral. A no-cost cremation is when you opt to donate your body to science. The body donation organization will arrange a free cremation for you once the donation is complete and return the cremated remains to the family within a few weeks.

A no-cost cremation with a body donation can be arranged via a local University medical school or a national donation program.

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the past fifteen years. End-of-life services and experiences are topics most people avoid thinking about until they must face them. My work provides comprehensive and independent resources for families, explaining the workings of the funeral industry, the laws governing funeral practices, and the death care trends that impact consumers. With a BA in Cultural Studies, I bring a unique perspective to analyzing cultural death care rituals, complemented by a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing significant changes, which I find fascinating. The shift towards cremation services and the emergence of sustainable alternatives like aquamation and human composting are of particular interest. I am also intrigued by how technology is reshaping the funeral planning process and experience. I write for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, and contribute to various forums and publications within the death care industry.

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