Affordable cremation services in Bloomington, Indiana

Direct Cremation costs

Cremation is increasing in popularity in Indiana.  It offers an efficient and inexpensive funeral alternative.  The interest in cremation has prompted families to seek out information on cremation in their area, especially about cremation costs and procedures. This article can hopefully answer some of your questions about cremation services in Bloomington.

Cremation cost Bloomington IN

What type of cremation services are on offer in Bloomington?

As with a funeral service, there are various options for arranging a cremation service. You can opt for a simple cremation or a full traditional funeral followed by a cremation.

Cremation offers families greater flexibility as a cremation can be conducted following death, and then the funeral service can be arranged at a later date more suitable to the family.  Cremated remains can also be simply transported to another location for interment should this be required.

A basic cremation generally does NOT include any services or ceremony. A cremation funeral service is where the deceased is present during the service, and a cremation follows, and a cremation memorial service is where the ceremony is held after the cremation, with or without the cremated remains present.

How much does a cremation service cost in Bloomington?

The price of a cremation will vary between funeral homes in Bloomington.  The NFDA* recently surveyed the average funeral cost, which is $7,848, and does not include any cemetery costs.  In contrast, the average cost of a cremation is $2,250, according to the Cremation Association of North America.

Cremation service costs in Bloomington start at $950 for a basic, simple cremation but can range to $3,500 for a cremation with a service.

Who can authorize a cremation?

Cremation Planning

The legal next of kin is required to authorize a cremation, which cannot proceed without this signature.   In Indiana, it is now law that you can authorize your own cremation ahead of time by filling in an Indiana Designated Agent funeral planning form. 

This can save the important decision having to be made by next of kin when the time comes, prevents any dispute between family members, and ensures your wishes are met.  Once the cremation authorization form is signed and complete, the funeral director can obtain a permit to cremate.

bloomington-cremation-servicesHow do I know that I am getting back the remains of my loved one?

Many families ask this very valid question when first considering cremation.  Very strict protocols govern how a funeral home or crematory conducts cremation, and all cremation operatives are accordingly trained.  Human remains MUST be cremated individually, and the chamber (cremation retort) cleared completely before the next cremation.

An ID tagging process is employed, and checks are made each step of the way.  This ensures that the cremated remains you receive back are those of your loved one and nothing more!

Who offers the best cremation prices in Bloomington?

Our DFS Memorials provider offers the best cremation service price in Bloomington.  We would challenge you to find a direct cremation for less!  As a full-service funeral home, our provider can assist you with cremation memorial services – all available at the best prices.

DFS Memorials Bloomington – Direct cremation $950

Call (812) 213-2009

Cremation and personalization

Cremation offers families a wonderful opportunity in how we can personalize and memorialize our lost loved ones.  Of course, cremated remains can be kept close for those who would prefer to have their loved one nearby – whether in a keepsake urn, a cremation diamond, or other cremation artifacts – or the possibilities for ash scattering are almost limitless.

Read this article on Ash Scattering for more information on what options are available and sensible guidelines for how to scatter.

Cremation niches or columbariums are now available in most cemeteries.  These offer a small interment site, generally above ground, where a cremation urn can be interred.  Many cemeteries will also facilitate the opening and closing of an existing family plot to inter a cremation urn if required.  There are fees for this, though.  Cremation niches can cost anywhere between $500 and $5,000, so as with funeral costs, it is imperative to shop around and compare costs.

*NFDA – National Association of Funeral Directors

Sara Marsden

I have been researching and writing about the death care industry for the last fifteen years. End of life services and experiences are something most of us choose not to reflect upon until we are suddenly faced with dealing with it. I have been contributing comprehensive and independent resources for families that explain how the funeral industry operates, and the laws that govern funeral practices. Sara writes for US Funerals Online and DFS Memorials LLC, as well as contributing to other forums and publications for the death care industry. I have a BA in Cultural Studies. This helps my analysis of cultural death care rituals, alongside a career background in Business Management. The death care industry is undergoing an epoch of change and this fascinates me.

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