We help you find the best price for a direct cremation in Boston, MA
Cremation prices in Boston, Massachusetts vary depending on the service provider and package. A best value direct cremation can cost between $1,195 and $1,495. Here are some places that offer affordable cremation services in Boston:
DFS Memorials in partnership with Northeast Cremation Service $1,195
Casper Funeral Services $1,395
Mass Bay Cremation Services $1,495
If the deceased is in the care of the Medical Examiner in Boston
If your relative is at the medical examiner's office in Boston, Massachusetts, and you're looking to arrange a low-cost cremation, DFS Memorials can help. Our Boston provider offers a basic cremation for $1,195 and can liaise with the ME Office to expediate the Release documentation, cremation authorizations and permit.
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Boston, MA
Address: 720 Albany St, Boston, MA 02118
Phone: (617) 267-6767
Getting Financial Assistance for a Cremation in Boston, MA
The Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) may be able to help pay for up to $1,100 of funeral and burial costs for Boston residents who have passed away. This assistance is available if there are not enough resources to pay for the costs and the total funeral expenses do not exceed $3,500.
If the deceased person was eligible for MassHealth, the DTA may pay the funeral home directly if the deceased qualifies. Most funeral homes are familiar with the DTA claim process and will submit a claim on behalf of the surviving family.
Resources for Final Arrangements in Boston, MA
For further guidance on selecting cremation services in Boston, the Funeral Consumer Alliance of Eastern Massachusetts can be reached at 66 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA 02116 Phone 617-859-7990.