Comparison of low-cost cremation costs in Akron, OH
In Akron, you can arrange a basic cremation for less than $1,000.Several cremation service locations in Akron offer affordable direct cremation services. We have included below a comparison of 6 of the most affordable cremation providers in Akron, OH.
DFS Memorials Partner eCremationOH – $825
Cleveland Burial & Cremation – $995
Summit Simple Cremation – $998
Area Cremation Group $998
Heritage Cremation & Burial Society – $1,195
Lamiell Funeral Home – $1,395

Arranging a collection & cremation from the Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office, OH
The Medical Examiner for Summit County, OH, handles the investigation of all accidental, suspicious, or unknown cause of death cases in Akron.
They can be reached at 85 N Summit St, Akron, OH 44308. Phone (330) 643-2101
The ME Office has a team of 17 professional staff. If your loved one is taken into the care of the county morgue, you will need the services of a funeral director to coordinate the release of the body once it has been authorized.
If you wish to have a direct cremation conducted for a relative at the Medical Examiners in Akron, OH, the DFS Provider for Summit County can offer an affordable direct cremation for $825. They operate their own crematory and can liaise with the ME to offer a professional and expedited service.
If you have any questions about arranging a cremation, call your DFS location at (330) 366-2646.